
How It Works

We know your company is unique and so is your team, therefore our candidates are handpicked to meet your team’s skills, experience, and characteristics. Our goal is to know all the intricacies of your employees’ core competencies, and give you the best tailor-made solution for your company. 

Our recruitment process is seamless, effective and specific to your needs.  First step is to compile your qualifications and needs.  We do all the work from there.  All candidates are prescreened using: 


Comprehensive company job descriptions


The A method for hiring and interviewing – Geoff Smart and Randy Street


Skillset tests


Psychometric, ethics and integrity tests


Extensive Background Checks


Extensive References Checks

We can include any extra steps that you require or that your company uses in the hiring process.

Next step, we select candidate resumes and, depending on your preference, we send you a video profile, schedule video interviews or interview candidates in person. You can be actively involved in the interview process or our team of professionals can oversee the entire process.

Finally, after candidate selection, we start building your complete operational team.


If needed, we can also help you to:

Transition an existing team, function or process.

Implement your current or build new OKR or KPI to reach objectives.

Create or Implement training videos, training manuals, as well as process and policies documentation.

Find or create training courses for your team.

Implement your current tools and software for your remote teams needs or find new as needed.

Start now with your Remote Team.

We look forward to exceeding your expectations